The past few days have been the epitamy of Christmas. I wasn't mentally nor emotionally ready for Christmas (I think college threw me off) but so many wonderful events have transpired recently to get me in the holiday spirit.

Like on Christmas Adam (the 23rd) I got together with my wardies! I grew up with these wonderful young ladies when we lived in Fruit Hts. We've gone our seperate ways (all five of us go to different colleges and one is still in High School, but is going to still a different college.) Anyway, we sat in Doug and Emmy's for two hours.
Later that day we made gingerbread houses. Mine did not really turn out as cute as I wanted, but life is never what you expect. My little 2 year old cousin was with us and she made it so fun. We had to keep her from eating too much candy though. The one on the left is Annie's house.
Christmas Eve was busy, and we celebrated with extended family at my great-grandma's house. This annual tradition is practically amazing. We eat food, do a talent show, a nativity, and experience a visit from Santa himself.
Christmas Day is lovely, we opened presents of course. I got a camera and tickets to see the Lion King (among other things). We ate tons of food and gathered with the other side of the family. My grandma got an iPod, and so I had to show her the ropes. Super funny.
The Day after Christmas= sledding! My cousins from T
exas came up and we sled and drank hot cocoa. More eating and presents. My other grandma got a laptop, and that is also super funny. We're showing her the ropes. If she figures it out she'll be able to actually read this blog.
To top it all off we had an improv night.
Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus! You rock! -M