Saturday, December 26, 2009

Winter in its Fullness

The past few days have been the epitamy of Christmas. I wasn't mentally nor emotionally ready for Christmas (I think college threw me off) but so many wonderful events have transpired recently to get me in the holiday spirit.

Like on Christmas Adam (the 23rd) I got together with my wardies! I grew up with these wonderful young ladies when we lived in Fruit Hts. We've gone our seperate ways (all five of us go to different colleges and one is still in High School, but is going to still a different college.) Anyway, we sat in Doug and Emmy's for two hours.

Later that day we made gingerbread houses. Mine did not really turn out as cute as I wanted, but life is never what you expect. My little 2 year old cousin was with us and she made it so fun. We had to keep her from eating too much candy though. The one on the left is Annie's house.

Christmas Eve was busy, and we celebrated with extended family at my great-grandma's house. This annual tradition is practically amazing. We eat food, do a talent show, a nativity, and experience a visit from Santa himself.

Christmas Day is lovely, we opened presents of course. I got a camera and tickets to see the Lion King (among other things). We ate tons of food and gathered with the other side of the family. My grandma got an iPod, and so I had to show her the ropes. Super funny.

The Day after Christmas= sledding! My cousins from Texas came up and we sled and drank hot cocoa. More eating and presents. My other grandma got a laptop, and that is also super funny. We're showing her the ropes. If she figures it out she'll be able to actually read this blog.

To top it all off we had an improv night.

Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus! You rock! -M

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holiday Kitchen Mishaps

You can't experience Christmas without goodies, and you can't experience goodies without baking some yourself, and you can't experience baking without some mishaps along the way.
Tonight my sister and a friend tried making Hootnanies (aka German Pancakes). We are out of flour, so they used wheat flour instead.

The concoction turned out like this:

Keep in mind that German Pancakes are supposed to look like this:

They didn't rise, so they weren't light and fluffy; instead they were thick and heavy. Gross.

Mishap No. 2-- the Almints

We were trying to make after-dinner-mint candy. Everything went well until we tasted them. They were very salty and not very minty. After examining the flavoring bottle, the culprit was found. We used almond flavoring instead of mint. Holy whoa they are nasty.

Tomorrow we're making gingerbread houses, so we saved the almints anyway. They look alright, after all. (Exciting blog post to follow about that adventure!)

-just little old me(g)

Sunday, December 20, 2009


When I rule the world, I'm going to make all technology compatable. Like seriously.

I take a video on my phone. I use a Micro SD converter to get the file onto my computer. For some reason it's a Quicktime file. Okay, whatever.

But when I upload that to the internet or youtube- it doesn't work. I can watch it on my compy but I can't show it to other people. The audio is completely off. I can't import it to Windows Movie Maker so I can't change the format it's in, either.

I gave up on that.

Okay, so I want to be total nerd and play Civilization III. I install it on my computer, and for a while it looks like everything is good. Wrong.

Apparently, I need to get Civilization IV or V because Civilization II is just too old to work with Vista. So I either have to play downstairs on our family's slow as molasses PC while shivering in the basement or waste hours playing Spider Solitare on my laptop. (As if Civilization wasn't a waste of time.)

On Wednesday I was traveling home to Salt Lake via frontrunner and trax. I wasn't traveling alone, but my mom still wanted to know whether I had caught the train.

But she couldn't text me because of a network error. Luckily she could still call me. The three hours I couldn't send any text messages were the three longest of my life. No joke. The next morning my phone was back to normal.

Technology makes me so angry sometimes. But I guess it works more often than it fails, so I should be glad for that.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

10 Things I want to do during winter break

1. Enjoy a Holiday Mint Blast from Sonic

2. Scrapbook like a mad-woman

3. Collage (It's not college-- that's what I'm escaping. I mean collaging: a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope.)

4. Learn a new piano song

5. Read a good book

6. File all my notes from this past semester in my note-filing box that I've filled with notes from classes ever since I ever started takin notes in classes. I understand this behavior is OCD, but I love the feeling of having a myriad of knowledge right at my fingertips. As if I'll ever look at those notes again.

7. Play (speed) scrabble with my sisters and hopefully my cousins.

8. Sleep in.

9. Play in the snow.

10. Write a play or two.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Megan's Worst Photos

After I recieved my glorious laptop, I spent the summer uploading pictures and sorting them. I noticed that I had some good ones... and some 'orrible ones of me. At first I was going to delete them from the cyber world. Then I thought, (especially after seeing the worst one of all), "These are actually kind of funny." So I started making a slide show of them. I was bored tonight, so I put on the finishing touches and posted!

I'm not emo or depressed. I just can laugh at myself. I really do have good pictures, but they're so very tedious compared to the ones where I look just plain ugly. Enjoy the ugliness here.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Clean-Shave Christmas

Okay it took a lot of gall to put up this picture! But it is proof that I held up to my promise. I lost a bet, so thus I was forced to participate in "No Shave November." This is November 30. It's gross, I know. Trust me. At least I saved myself some $$ by conserving shaving cream, right?

My friend Missy went to Bingham High, and I obviously went to Syracuse. When our alma maters played each other, we made a bet: If the Miners won, I had to refrain from shaving in November. If the Titans came out victorious, then Missy had to shave her left eyebrow.

The outcome was not positive for me. Dang it, all my sports teams are loosing when it counts!

But as of last night, I am cleanly shaven! Yay!