Thursday, August 4, 2011

Old Maid Meg's Muffins and Eggs

If you follow me on Pinterest, then you probably have noticed that I have a thing for muffins. This summer I've made a few batches, and I just bought my very own muffin tin!

I found the perfect blueberry muffin recipe {here}. They looked like this:

Brittni and I delivered them to the mothers of our friends on missions. (It says, "There's muffin' better than a missionary mom.")

Then I tried Glazed Doughnut Muffins. I panicked when I realized that I didn't have any liners, but I sprayed really well and they turned out just dandy. I actually prefer it that way, and it saves the planet!
Those were oh so heavenly. That recipe is found {here}.

I would recommend making more frosting than it calls for. I doubled the recipe and the frosting, but I maybe would have tripled the frosting. But I like frosting, so you know.

Holy whoa am I actually blogging about food? What is this world coming to? I don't know, but muffins are pretty much as awesome as cupcakes, except healthier (generally).

One of my goals for the upcoming semester is to make a different kind of muffin every week! And throughout that week I'll eat them for breakfast and share with my roommates and etc. Oh of course I'm going to tell you guys all about it!

Get ready for Muffin Mondays! Starting the August 22.

See you then!


1 comment:

megan danielle said...

thats so sweet of you to give them to missionary moms!!!