After a few episodes of hair-dying experimentation, not unlike Anne's, (the picture above is when I dyed my hair almost black the summer after high school) I surrendered and let my locks lead their own wild lives in hopes that one day, they would wander back to their mousy brown selves and dwell in a natural color. They've taken their time. I still have shameful grow-out lines, but either I'm learning to accept them or they're dying. I hope it's the latter.

Hair planning is serious stuff.
(This is the 6-month aftermath of the almost black color job)
But unlike Anne, my natural hue is not red. This is tragic, because anyone can fake blonde, black or brown, but passing off red as legitimate is simply impossible. Anyhow, I'm trying to save myself money, and the world of hair chemicals is expensive. I might just have to ignore my pre-mature hair color loss until I can reap the fruits of my labors. Now I just need to focus on not cutting it. I want it long! I don't need another Rapunzel moment to mess up my plans of waist-length, man-alluring follicles. It may be the color (and texture) of nylons, but at least it grows fast.

I'm still rocking my fringe bangs, aka "nerd bangs." Paul hates them, so I'll let them be for another year.
Then it's back to Ariel (aka swoosh) bangs. Like I said, every follicle needs to be at its highest man-alluring potential.

(This was in April)
But assuming I serve a mission, the fringe bangs will probably stay. I can trim them myself and they require much less maintenance, despite my cowlick. And I don't even want to consider the inconvenience of growing my bangs out. Then they'll never return!
Hair planning is serious stuff.
1 comment:
I loved reading this! I'm glad I'm not the only one planning out my hair's path.
I just want mine to be really long and I think I've been stuck at the same point for 2 years...how is that possible? :)
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