Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Love the lights

It's still really weird for me that I'm actually getting married. I am uber happy, of course, but some days it just doesn't feel real, and it feels really far away. It's so odd that so many people would do all this stuff for me and help me plan this huge celebration called a wedding. Really, for me? So many friends and family are excited for me, but I can't help but wonder why.

I guess I am usually giddy about weddings, but I just don't expect other people to be, too. And it's so odd to think that's its my wedding -- our wedding, really -- not my cousin's, not one out of a magazine, not one in a movie. It's ours.

My wedding colors are cream, beige, sage and olive greens, and a wee bit of plum.

Sam's been more involved than I think most grooms are. This is good, because I can't stand being parted from him for long.


Today was one of those days where I can't decide if it's a good day or a bad day. I can't find my student ID card, but one of my classes was cancelled. My computer is working again, so I can blog and do homework better. I've also been really grumpy and slightly emotional. But you know, I'm a girl. It's what we do.

In other news,

I'm obsessed with this song. You should listen to it a few times, and then listen to the other remixes. I hardly ever post music on my blog, so you know this is good.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Words al dente

OK, study break.

I would like to say that I'm famous for eating my words.

I said I would go on a mission and that no boy could keep me from that. Nope.

I said I would date someone for at least a year before I got engaged. Nope.

However, I am going to graduate college before I get married, so that's one aspect I'm doing just as I said I would.

My friend NaTasha once said, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan for your life." I absolutely love the life I'm in right now. Is it different than I expected? You bet. I think it would be silly to pretend that's not true.

I think it's better, though, than what I had planned. It just took a little faith and a lot of love. Things are just the way they ought to be.

Yesterday, Sam and I were doing homework on his couch. I was sitting with my feet propped up on the stool. He had his back on my shoulder and his legs stretched out perpendicular to mine. We laughed about stupid things on Pinterest and watched a sad clip from a sad movie. Moments like this I would trade for nothing.

I am so happy, but I'm also filled with the usual stress and strain of school. But Sam's always there, helping me as I sprint to the finish. Having someone to lean on is a blessing.

I find myself saying cheesy things and smiling at the stupidest of things. I'm even being a little bit nicer to people. Life is so good, even if it isn't easy. I don't even care if people think I'm too young to get married.

And who knew my words would taste so delicious?


P.S. If you want to hear Sam's side of our engagement, click right here!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Story

I always thought I would cry, when the time came.

But instead I just laughed--a giddy, unbridled happy laugh. I think I said, "oh my gosh" and I might have said, "I think I'm the happiest person in the world right now."

I don't really remember.

I should have seen it coming, really. But you see, Sam's always romantic and thoughtful. It's not unusual at all for him to show up with flowers and to remember that six months ago we met for the first time. We usually go on fun, well planned-out dates. He's always so sweet. And he didn't seem nervous at all!

We snowshoed up to Donut Falls. It's a significant place in our courtship, so it was a fitting place to end it and begin our engagement.

He asked me to marry him! We were taking pictures like we always do--I go stand in the frame while he sets up his camera on the tripod.

One moment I was squinting into the snow, the next I look up and there he is, the love of my life down on one knee. And he's holding a ring in a little gray box.

It's perfect. I've never worn a ring in my whole life. (OK, maybe I wore a CTR ring for a few days when I was 8.) I'm just not a jewelry person. But this is so different. It signifies so much, and it's so beautiful, and it's exactly my style.

Sam and I have been calling and texting and visiting so much this weekend. We have to let everyone know our exciting news. Getting back to life and focusing on essential things will be difficult, but somehow between now and July 12, we're going to be planning our new life together.

I'm going to New Orleans for the ACES conference in April, graduate in May, and get a job... all while planning a wedding.

I am so blessed! Sam is so wonderful. He is the perfect man for me. I'm so happy and in love, I think I'm going to explode. It's been hard not to blog as much, mostly because before now, I couldn't share all these exciting plans with the world. But now, I will have so much to write about. This is the start of a beautiful journey.

I have such a wonderful family, and my new Thornton family is so kind and loving. Our friends have been fantastic and supportive. There is so much love going on!

Oh, and lest I forget! Happy Grammar Day!
