Click here and you will laugh very hard.
A few months ago I was planning on writing a scathing piece about the evils of Valentine’s Day. That’s how much I loathe it. But tonight I looked at the calendar and wait—what? Tomorrow’s that vile, sappy, insincere excuse for a holiday? I didn’t even notice its approach. I suppose I’d subconsciously blocked the usual symbols from entering my mind. I didn’t see the roses, the balloons, the horrible clash of pink and red side by side…
I’ve gone on three dates this weekend, and two of them were blind dates. And in the two weeks past, I’ve been on a date.
I’m not trying to brag, I mean, this is rare for me. In fact, it’s rare for most females who do not have a significant other to call their own. Guys just don’t date like they used to. I kind of don’t blame them though. After all, dating gets expensive and lately it signals commitment or something.
February has been fun. Still don’t like single awareness day, but it isn’t as painful this year because I’ve been distracted. I’ve liked getting to know some new men, and spending time with one whom I’ve known for a while.
I got in this zone when I had a lot on my to-do list. It’s kind of an addiction or excitement. It’s the drama of having a pile of homework, and work, and dishes to do--and not quite knowing whether or not you’re going to accomplish everything before the timer rings.
I kind of enjoy this rush. No, it isn’t like stretching-out-on-a-beach, or curling-up-with-a-good-book happiness, but there’s definitely something addicting about being busy. Colleges have sure been around a long time, and they’re supported by a population of people who secretly indulge in having fun doing a myriad of stressful, time-consuming activities.
You’ll hear college students complain about being busy, and having no time, and etc. Don’t buy it. We love it. We love the uncertainty of the end result of our grades and the suspense of finals week. We adore coming home from work at nine and then studying for four hours while binging of caffeine. We love trying to be a cheap as possible, like using public bathrooms whenever possible to conserve toilet paper in the dorm. We love trying to sustain ourselves on nothing but ramen and easy mac. We love feeling confidently justified to sleep in until noon on Saturday because we partied all Friday night. We love the independence we have. We love being stressed out.