Monday, November 8, 2010

My Novel has a title, and I am soaking wet.

Despues este escribiendo, tengo un exam del Espanol.
Estoy lluviosa. Muy lluvios, y no tengo un paragua. Soy triste.


You're probably wondering how NaNoWriMo is going. Well I'm at 9536 and I have a title.

"The Morning Comes Early."

I don't know exactly what it means, or why it fits my novel, but it somehow does.
I'm in desperate need for character names. Like seriously, anything. Leave your suggestions below.

Now I'm going to battle the sea that's falling down all around us. Wish me luck. My umbrella broke. :(



Alexis said...

What gender do your characters need to be?

Meg said...

I have both female and male characters that need names. So either gender. :D